As.WisMer II Wosi Manokwari Desain Hidup Kelak

By: Amon N. Pigome

S most Occupants As.WisMer II Wosi  Manokwari,
While .Amon Nokogai  Pigome / PN
OPINION, (PitooNews) - The hostel is a place where students can produce a whole human beings. Kapablitas qualified students portray the results of Science, Technology and Science (Science and Technology) and has a characterless leader. 

Boarding Facility greatly helped to develop itself into a human being, because changes in the environment will lead to significant and fundamental changes to the way of life in a variety of arrangements or procedures tertip dormitories in preparation for adult human beings in the world arena of work later.

I as a boarder suggested that there should be changes in the pattern of actual life in the dorms. I feel proud also because management is very Pekah see both dorms, although not as much as possible.

My hope for fellow occupant hostel is hopefully all of us who came in town this Gospel can be resolved in accordance with their respective occupied areas.

The author is a  Papuan Students who study in  ISTIE-MAH EISA Manokwari
Editor: Admin Media Online PitooNews

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